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 (Customized To Your Event)

Leading Breakthrough Innovation

  • What breakthrough innovation is, how it works, and how to do it right. How to blast through the barriers that block innovation.

  • Why smartness is necessary but not sufficient for innovation (and can actually get in the way).

  • The archetypal journey of disruptive innovation and how to proactively avoid the many predictable pitfalls.

  • The killers and unlockers of innovation and how to maximize chances of lasting success.

  • Ways to build an innovation culture—from the top down and bottom up.

Leading Change & Digital Transformation

  • How to take the turmoil out of transformation by understanding the archetypal journey of deep change.

  • Why smartness is necessary but not sufficient for transformation (and can actually get in the way).

  • How to build emotional resonance and not resistance so that transformation unfolds rather than unravels.

  • How to avoid the many predictable pitfalls so you avoid burning money, time, and goodwill.

  • Ways to ensure transformation is a triumph and not a tragedy by managing fear, silos, and power plays.

Drive Entrepreneurship & Corporate Intrapreneurship

  • Cultivating a founder’s mindset to unleash agency, accountability, and innovation.

  • Balancing freedom and flexibility to unlock intrapreneurship—with guidance and guardrails to prevent damaging disruption.

  • Spotting, motivating, and nurturing potential entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs and providing them with the right conditions to innovate and disrupt.

  • Why conventional performance management techniques will likely crush the energy and momentum of intrapreneurs/entrepreneurs.

Innovate With Ethical AI

  • What AIs can do, can’t do, and may never be able to do so you do not waste precious time and resources.

  • Exciting yet actionable usage cases for AI—whether for employee effectiveness or serving emerging customer needs.

  • The mindsets needed for exponential value creation that AIs herald.

  • AI model collapse and white-collar career collapse.

  • Designing killer apps, not apps that kill us!


Build High-Performing & Transformational Teams

  • Working groups vs. transformative teams that deliver change and innovation.

  • Balancing performance with purpose and drive more agility.

  • Building accountability and responsibility without shame and blame.

  • Innocuous behaviors that tank trust and undermine teamwork.

  • Developing cross-functional teams that can realize bold vision together.

  • The different archetypes needed in teams.

  • What genuine psych safety is and isn’t and hacks to cultivate it.

  • How to motivate not manipulate people. Unlocking much-needed coherence in leadership teams.

Unlocking Innovation, Change & Transformation Mindsets

  • Understand the critical people side of change that blocks all the best intentions.

  • How agility starts with emotional mastery to ensure people flow and don’t freeze in uncertainty or under pressure.

  • How to release outdated ideas that block innovation/transformation and embrace new ones that are future-ready.

  • How to build mindsets and cultures that are as comfortable with reflection, creativity, and customer empathy as with control and perfection.

  • How to hack perfectionism and boost experimentation.

Unlock Collaboration & Unleash Relational Energy In Business

  • The power of relationships in business.

  • Being kind and empathic even when busy, stressed, and overwhelmed.

  • Resolving interpersonal issues and conflict transformation.

  • Holding space to ensure others feel seen, heard, appreciated, and respected.

  • Delegating effectively, with guardrails.

  • Difficult conversations and dealing with difficult people.

  • Different forms of collaboration and leading them wisely. How to be a radiator, energizing and enlivening your co-workers, not a drain!

Strengthen Resilience & Wellbeing In The Workplace

  • What uncertainty, anxiety, and stress do to the brain and body and how to notice the signals.

  • Signals of fragility in individuals and organizations.

  • Resilience, robustness, and regenerativeness, or anti-fragility.

  • Avoiding wellness washing.

  • My 9-pillar framework that everyone to systematically build more resilience for the turbulent times ahead,


Transformational Leadership: Leading In Change, Leading The Change

  • How to upgrade leadership mindsets to fall forward, not back, under pressure (headwinds, uncertainty, disruption).

  • How to shift how leaders interact and communicate away from “Command and Control” to creativity, empathy, and influence.

  • How to transform fiefdoms, friction, and fragmentation to unlock coherence and collaboration in top teams.

  • How to sense-make, decision-make, and prioritize in complexity.

  • How to go about solving the poly-crises of our age.

Amplify Purpose-Driven Leadership & Business

  • The business case for genuinely purpose-led businesses and brands.

  • Elevating ambitions and goals into a clear, compelling, and concrete purpose that people feel burning in their bellies.

  • The purpose gap and how to close it by helping people connect their own purpose to the organization’s.

  • How to help others find meaning and fulfillment in their work, no matter how mundane it may look.

  • Developing a coherent business or brand purpose that can triumph against the forces of disorder, decay, and disintegration.

Unleash The Power Of Storytelling & Influencing

  • How brains engage in and digest stories–and the critical power of emotion as well as reason in winning hearts and minds.

  • How to structure a story so it is clear and compelling and avoids confusion, resistance, and disengagement.

  • How to use ethical influencing and persuasion techniques to bring people along—without manipulation.

  • Packaging up complex business cases, innovation pitches, sales messages, or team communications to drive desired behavior change.

  • Techniques and hacks for getting and keeping attention on stage and in meetings.

Cultivate Conscious & Wise Leadership

  • Building conscious leaders who are open not closed, responsive not defensive, and empowering not egotistical.

  • Transforming mindsets and behaviors that sabotage ambitions and diminish others.

  • Being self-aware, authentic, humble, and vulnerable—without appearing weak or weird.

  • Making seemingly impossible business, strategic, and team decisions.

  • Why paying attention to grief and gratitude, compassion and courage, can turbocharge transformation.

  • Using wisdom and consciousness to bring more wholeness and aliveness to every discussion, meeting, and interaction.


The Future Of Work

  • The needs, attitudes, and motivations of the different generations in the workplace.

  • The major tensions and conflicts in the Future Of Work—and different lenses for resolving them.

  • Considering and coping with Back to Office mandates.

  • The 4 Ms of great workplace cultures and how to unlock each: meaning, mastery, membership, and majesty.

  • How to build connection, trust, and belonging in the hybrid reality (without becoming a corporate cult).

  • How to build a safer, more supportive, and more sustainable working culture from the bottom up as well as top-down.

  • How to leverage new people and productivity technologies within a human-centric workplace.

The Future Of Leadership

  • The top characteristics of future-fit leaders, from vulnerability to vision.

  • The various business cases for transformational, visionary, and future-fit leadership.

  • Why smartness is necessary but not sufficient for future-forging leadership (and can get in the way of creativity and connection).

  • How to evolve the consciousness and competence of leaders so they can adapt business models and delivery models not just once but many times to lead their organization and industry to a thriving future.

  • Why outdated “training” approaches fail to deliver transformational leaders and how to embrace leadership transformation.

Inspire A Better Future Of HR & HRTech

  • Making talent and leadership development fit for a complex, chaotic, and crisis-hit reality.

  • How exponential digital technologies can help unlock way more human-centric organizations.

  • Making HR an encourager of innovation and growth, not a killer of them.

  • Breaking through stereotypes to fulfill HR’s potential as leaders of the leaders.

  • HR as wisdom keepers of the culture—unlocking the full force of People Power.

Transform The Future Of Sustainability & Regenerative Business

  • Getting people into the right mindset to accept, adapt to, and act on climate change.

  • Turning the cynical, critical, and fearful into the hopeful, the possible, and the empowered.

  • Baking sustainability and social value in at the start of all innovation and transformation projects.

  • Building reciprocal and interdependent relationships with each other, with nature, and with place.

  • Ways to elevate the sustainability function so it can lead an organization toward a regenerative future.

The future of Technology for Leaders

  • Exponential technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

  • Harnessing emerging technologies to unlock sources of untapped value.

  • Driving transformations in products, processes, and business models.

  • Transitioning from tech specs to stories, from code to culture, from technologies to innovations.

  • Why smarts can be a bug, not a feature of tech-driven innovation.

  • How to avoid being disrupted by company killers and instead generate the killer apps of the future.

The Future of Education & EdTech

  • The possibilities and limitations of AI and EdTech.

  • Emerging forms of learning and schooling, from micro-schools to flipped classrooms.

  • Why empathy, grit, and creativity are rarely developed through conventional education approaches.

  • Breakthroughs in neuroscience that unlock game-changing opportunities in learning.

  • Ways to unleash change and transformation mindsets in both learners and educators.

  • How technology combines with practice to unlock the skills our societies need to survive and thrive in a turbulent future.


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