The more insight you give us, the more Nick Jankel can deliver an outstanding experience that blows your audience away.
For example:
Its a network of professionals who are looking for X
They are potential customers who think Y and we want to do Z
The team has recently gone through X and they want Y
We want people to feel comfortable with change.
We want to focus the team on a new launch.
We want people to think about the future of the organisation.
We want to get everyone thinking differently.
We need to get teams collaborating to do more for less.
Excited and inspired to work together
Ready for a big change
Collaborative and connected to each other
Understanding how to do disruptive innovation
Knowing the key elements of their leadership plan
Actively thinking about the future
Begin to collaborate straight away
Have 3 or 4 breakthrough innovation concepts to work on
Be able to practice mindfulness to destress
Major exhibition centre with seating in rows
Large hotel conference room with table set up for 8-10 people
Intimate boutique space opening onto gardens
Talk from CEO
Presentation on latest sales data
Lunch and site visit
Break out sessions